
宇度墓古墳、大阪府岬町淡輪 An ancient tomb near my house at Tannowa Osaka

There is a 1600 years ago prince's tomb near my house.  It looks like a floating deep forest in a pond and has strangely deep depth in perspective. The prince's name is Inishikirihikonomiko. What a long name is his and very difficult to read in Japanese for Japanese people. I think he might have good nickname to make it short.


茅葺き屋根の茶室、大阪市都島区にて A thatched roof tea ceremony house in Osaka city.

I found a tinny beautiful thatched roofed tea ceremony house. I could not close to it 
because it was in a fancy Japanese style restaurant's garden. The garden with tea ceremony house was like another world compared with crowded Osaka. I sketched it under a tree from distance hearing the sound of summer cicadas. But I caught sound of autumn cicadas in it. It is so hot and sky is blue but I saw a tint of grey in blue sky. There was a shower in this evening. 


京都市街の茅葺屋根 A Thatched Roof House in Kyoto urban area.

I found small thatched roof house in Kyoto urban area. Maybe it is a tea ceremony house. It was moderately withered in good way and looks like never new, never collapsed. When I was sketching, I realized the gutters are made of bamboo.


四條畷の権現の滝 The Gongen cascade at Shijyounawate Osaka

If thou walk an hour to east north-east from Shijyounawate Sta. to the Muro pond, thou can find a small cascade. Turning to the basin of cascade, Thou will be surrounded with negative ion mist and be kept PM2.5 out. People have learned that by hearsay long long time.


四條畷古刹(こさつ)龍尾寺の甍(いらか) Tiled roof of the small old temple(Ryubiji) at Shijounawate Osaka.

 That day was a warm winter day. I was sketching at the garden of temple. Sun light from blue sky between clouds made my hands work. After a while I heard a voice of "Fancy a cup of tea?" The temple's priest served me tea and youkan(sweet bean jelly). They were tasty like never before. I am not so religious but gave thanks to the Buddha.
 He said "I bought them at the super market that you know" 
 Sketching is bothersome in the beginning but gradually going to concentrate comfortably. The priest said "That mental state is called Samadhi".