A girl was running to the vanishing point and a man was staring the point under the vault of Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof at dusk. There is a difference between German station and Japanese one. There are not ticket barriers in German station. I felt strange as I walked to road from train.
Early morning of Frankfurt am Main. Traditionally German style buildings and skyscrapers are mixed in the city that is a character of Frankfurt. And I feel that it is a similar point with Japanese cities.
フランクフルト大聖堂の塔に登る。正式には聖バトロメウス大聖堂と言う。大聖堂は空襲でかなりのダメージを受けたが何とか崩れずに残ったとのこと。塔は思いのほか高くそして階段は狭くそれも右回りが最後まで続くので目が回り疲れた。さらに塔に登るには3ユーロ必要なのだが、人は高いところに登りたがるもので多くの人が登っていた。I climbed Frankfurt cathedral tower. It was higher than I had thought and the clockwise corkscrew staircase was so narrow that really made me dizzy. But many people paid 3 euros and climbed up the staircase as human beings has tendency to climb to high place,
April is the season of fresh green in Frankfurt. Under the light cloud covered sky the leaves were freshly beautiful in the moist air.
To be continued to Königswinter.
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